Exploring Queer Mysticism An Introduction to Queer Mysticism Mysticism is often described as a profound, transformative union or absorption into a deity, a sense of oneness with the creative force of the universe, God, or the absolute. This state of

A Guide to Using Pronouns Jump To: Gendered Pronouns & Language Gender-Neutral Languages Genderless Languages Common Pronouns in the English Language Neopronouns in the English Language Pronoun Usage Guide Recommendations for Community Organizations & Spiritual/Religious Centers Using Correct Pronouns is

In celebration of Disability Pride Month , we are honored to share a story from Amber Bryant. Amber shares about her connection with God, the importance of being seen, and her experiences as a person with a disability. She highlights

Building Queer Focused Spiritual Communities In our increasingly digital world, virtual communities have provided a lifeline for many individuals, offering a sense of connection and support. At Folx with Faith, we cherish our virtual meetings that create inclusive environments for

Jump To: Pride Power Part 1 Pride Power Part 2 The Color Silver: Will The Color Gold: Understanding The Color Russet: Release The Color Light Green: Strength Symbols of Pride and the Twelve Powers This is the final installment of

Jump To: Pride Power Part One The Color Blue: Serenity & Faith The Color Purple: Spirit & Power The Color Turquoise: Magic & Imagination The Color Pink: Sex & Love Pride Power Part Three Symbols of Pride and the Twelve

Jump To: The Pride Flag The Twelve Powers The Color Red: Life The Color Orange: Healing & Zeal The Color Yellow: Sunshine & Healing The Color Green: Nature & Order Pride Power Part Two Pride Power Part Three    Pride

The Word is Queer Several people have asked why Folx with Faith uses the word “queer.” Recently, I was in a meeting where I used the term “queer-centric faith-based affinity groups,” and the person I was speaking with said, “Every

The Power of Music in Queer Spirituality and Empowerment Music has always held a transformative power, especially within the queer community, where it has been an avenue for empowerment, self-actualization, self-expression, and spiritual growth. As Shakespeare famously wrote, “If music

Progressivism and Gender Diversity in New Thought In the dynamic landscape of spirituality, self-discovery, and healing, the New Thought movement has consistently exemplified progressivism. By weaving together ancient wisdom traditions with the systematic inquiry of modern science, New Thought has