Symbols of Pride and the Twelve Powers
Even though Folx with Faith serves a diverse group of ministers, churches, groups, and individuals, we are proud of our roots in the Unity movement. Our resources are used by people from a variety of faith traditions and spiritual paths, yet the foundational principles of Unity continue to inspire and guide our work.
One of the early teachings in Unity was the concept of the Twelve Powers, developed by Charles Fillmore, one of the cofounders of Unity. Fillmore believed that these twelve spiritual abilities are inherent within every person and can be cultivated to enhance personal and spiritual growth. Each power is associated with a specific color. Over the next three weeks, in celebration of Pride Month, we will explore these Twelve Powers, particularly the colors associated with them, and also delve into the deep symbolism found in the original Pride rainbow flag.
Charles Fillmore’s teachings continue to influence many in their spiritual journeys, emphasizing the potential within each individual to express divine qualities such as faith, strength, wisdom, and zeal. His work in developing the Twelve Powers provides a framework for understanding and accessing these spiritual faculties, offering a path to personal empowerment and spiritual awakening.
As we explore these powers and their associated colors, we aim to uncover deeper insights into our spiritual nature and celebrate the vibrant diversity within the queer community. We welcome you to this journey of discovery and empowerment, inspired by the enduring wisdom of the Unity tradition and the rich symbolism of the Pride flag.
The Twelve Powers
The Unity movement also has a rich tapestry of wisdom known as the Twelve Powers, representing innate spiritual faculties that reside within everyone. Unity teaches that these Twelve Powers hold the potential to empower individuals and guide them toward a life of profound purpose and fulfillment.
The Unity movement draws inspiration from the teachings of Charles Fillmore, specifically the concept of the Twelve Powers. These spiritual faculties, as elucidated by Fillmore, offer a framework for personal growth and empowerment. By intertwining the meanings of the Pride Flag’s colors with the wisdom of the Twelve Powers, we embark on a profound journey of spiritual practice and self-discovery.
Throughout this series, we will explore the profound meanings behind the colors associated with Pride and the corresponding colors attributed to the Twelve Powers. By viewing these colors through the lens of spiritual practice, we seek to uncover deeper personal insights and foster a greater understanding of ourselves and the world around us.
The Color Red: Life
In the original design of the Pride Flag, red symbolizes Life. Coincidentally, in the Twelve Powers, red also represents Life. Although we often use the word “life” without much thought, its true essence holds profound meaning. According to Charles Fillmore’s book, The Revealing Word, life is defined as:
“The expression of Being which manifests itself as animation, activity, and vigor.”
Life can be understood as the divine activity perpetuated through everyone. It is the powerful force that moves and sustains us. The Unity movement, as a part of the New Thought tradition, recognizes Life as the essence of God. Some individuals within these traditions have chosen to embrace the term “Life” as a synonym for the concept of God, moving away from traditional religious language.
Life Loves You
My mentor used the affirmation, “Life loves you,” replacing the old religious language, “God loves you.” This shift acknowledges that Life is better understood as a universal constant, unlike concepts of deity that may perpetuate exclusivity or even an angry and punishing figure. By recognizing Divinity as Life itself, we gain a more universal understanding of the concept of God. Life flows through every human being equally, impartially providing sustenance to all beings.
Using Affirmations
Affirmations are a spiritual practice that can help replace negative internal messages with positive ones. In New Thought, we teach the connection between thought and experience. Thoughts/affirmations such as “My life sucks” have the potential to create a certain type of undesirable experience, while thoughts like “My life is wonderful” have the potential to lead to a different set of experiences.
It’s important to remember that when someone begins using an affirmation, it may not initially feel true. This is expected because if it were already true, there would be no need for affirmation.
An Affirmation for Life:
Life supports me. I am open and receptive to all the good that Life has to offer. Life loves me.
The Color Orange: Healing & Zeal
The color orange in the traditional Pride Flag represents healing, and in the Twelve Powers, it symbolizes Zeal. We will explore both topics.
Zeal is the driving force behind our actions, the enthusiasm that motivates us to pursue our goals and dreams. It’s the energy that keeps us moving forward, even when faced with challenges. Without zeal, we might lack the motivation to take action or make changes in our lives.
In practical terms, zeal can be harnessed by setting clear, passionate goals and consistently reminding ourselves of why these goals matter. When we feel excited and enthusiastic about what we’re doing, we are more likely to stay committed and overcome obstacles. Zeal encourages us to take initiative, try new things, and persist even when things get tough.
Zeal is about being proactive and engaged in life. It’s the spark that ignites our inner drive, pushing us to achieve our best. As Charles Fillmore put it, “I fairly sizzle with zeal and enthusiasm and spring forth with a mighty faith to do the things that ought to be done by me.” By embracing zeal, we can approach our goals with excitement and determination, turning our aspirations into reality.
Within all New Thought traditions, healing is a central theme of discussion. The topic encompasses much more than just physical changes. Healing is deeply intertwined with the concept of wholeness. The word “heal” shares the same root as “wholeness,” and healing is the process of unfolding and becoming whole.
Already Whole
It’s important to remember that every individual on this planet is already whole. However, the process of healing involves recognizing one’s own sacred worth and embracing the benefits that come with this understanding. A powerful example of this recognition is seen in the story of Myrtle Fillmore, one of our founders. After attending a lecture by Dr. E. B. Weeks on the power of the mind, she received the affirmation:
“I am a child of God; therefore, I do not inherit sickness.”
Myrtle had been sick for years, diagnosed with tuberculosis at a young age. But through her newfound understanding of healing, she experienced a transformation. She used affirmations, including this one, throughout her life and lived to be 86 years old, defying the doctor’s prognosis of a mere two months to live.
It’s worth noting that within the New Thought movement, there is a minority that rejects conventional treatments for illness. The Unity movement embraces the understanding that healing, much like one’s spiritual path, is a personal journey. While Unity does not discredit any traditional medicine, it also does not promote any particular approach. Instead, Unity provides a supportive community and context for individuals to make choices that align with their own beliefs and needs.
An Affirmation for Healing
Healing energy flows through my body, mind, circumstances, and community. Wholeness flows through my consciousness expanding my capacity to experience love, joy, and peace.
An Affirmation for Zeal
I enthusiastically accept my good and go forward to achieve my purpose.
The Color Yellow: Sunlight & Wisdom
In the original Pride Flag, yellow represents sunlight. Symbolically, this corresponds to the Twelve Powers, where yellow represents wisdom. Wisdom, like sunlight, illuminates our path and provides the light we need to navigate our experiences while living on this planet.
Louise Hay, a prominent New Thought teacher, expressed the significance of wisdom lighting the way beautifully in the book, Life: Reflections on the Journey:
“There is always an answer to every question, a solution to every problem. We are never lost, lonely, or abandoned in Life because we have this infinite wisdom and guidance constantly with us. Learn to trust it, and you will feel safe throughout your life.”
Wisdom is something accessible to every person, regardless of their alignment with a particular wisdom tradition. While there are many wisdom traditions to choose from, wisdom itself is a universal essence.
We can cultivate a deeper alignment with wisdom through specific practices. Many people use meditation or centering prayer to tap into the wisdom within them. Two primary practices associated with meditation are focused meditation or centering prayer and observational meditation, also known as Vipassana meditation.
In focused meditation or centering prayer, individuals direct their attention to a specific object, such as a mantra, their breath, or a centering point. When their thoughts wander, the practitioner gently refocuses on the chosen point of focus.
Observational meditation, on the other hand, involves non-judgmental observation. Practitioners can observe the external world with open eyes without judgment, listen to the sounds around them without judgment, or turn their attention inward, focusing on the activity within themselves or the space between thoughts. The key here is to observe the whole rather than label or judge.
Meditation Myths
There are some myths surrounding the practice of meditation, one being the goal of silencing the mind. However, the nature of the mind is to think. While moments of blissful silence may arise during meditation, the true goal is to be present to the unfolding of our lives.
Being present allows us to tap into our inner light (wisdom), providing us with the clarity to perceive things differently. The only moment that truly exists is the present moment—this is where everything is happening. All the love, joy, and peace we seek are experienced in the now.
Our Stories
As our consciousness aligns with the present moment, we become less entangled in the false and often painful narratives of “I will be happy when…” that are common stories people tell themselves. The idea of future happiness can create stress and challenges. However, by becoming more present to our experiences, we recognize that challenges are temporary and that solutions can be found.
An Affirmation for Sunlight/Wisdom
Wisdom illuminates my path and guides my every thought, word, and action.
The Color Green: Nature & Order
In the traditional Pride Flag, the color green represents nature, while in the Twelve Powers, green symbolizes order. Although nature may seem chaotic at times, a closer look at its various aspects, such as biology and astronomy, reveals a rhythm and flow to life. We are an integral part of this interconnected system.
Nature is not an external entity; rather, it encompasses the very system we are part of, and our actions as humans have a profound impact on the natural world. Recognizing this allows us to take responsibility for our choices and their consequences.
We can cultivate a deeper alignment with wisdom through specific practices. Many people use meditation or centering prayer to tap into the wisdom within them. Two primary practices associated with meditation are focused meditation or centering prayer and observational meditation, also known as Vipassana meditation.
In focused meditation or centering prayer, individuals direct their attention to a specific object, such as a mantra, their breath, or a centering point. When their thoughts wander, the practitioner gently refocuses on the chosen point of focus.
Observational meditation, on the other hand, involves non-judgmental observation. Practitioners can observe the external world with open eyes without judgment, listen to the sounds around them without judgment, or turn their attention inward, focusing on the activity within themselves or the space between thoughts. The key here is to observe the whole rather than label or judge.
Meditation Myths
There are some myths surrounding the practice of meditation, one being the goal of silencing the mind. However, the nature of the mind is to think. While moments of blissful silence may arise during meditation, the true goal is to be present to the unfolding of our lives.
Being present allows us to tap into our inner light (wisdom), providing us with the clarity to perceive things differently. The only moment that truly exists is the present moment—this is where everything is happening. All the love, joy, and peace we seek are experienced in the now.
Our Stories
As our consciousness aligns with the present moment, we become less entangled in the false and often painful narratives of “I will be happy when…” that are common stories people tell themselves. The idea of future happiness can create stress and challenges. However, by becoming more present to our experiences, we recognize that challenges are temporary and that solutions can be found.
An Affirmation for Sunlight/Wisdom
Wisdom illuminates my path and guides my every thought, word, and action.
Folx with Power
At Folx with Faith, we are dedicated to creating safe and inclusive spaces where queer individuals can explore and celebrate their spirituality. By integrating the profound meanings behind the colors of the Pride Flag and the Twelve Powers, we aim to offer a deeper understanding and appreciation of the spiritual journey.
We invite you to join us in this mission. Whether you are a minister, a member of a church, or part of a spiritual group, you can become a chapter or affiliate of Folx with Faith. Together, we can expand our reach and impact, creating safe spaces for queer people within local communities.
Become a Chapter or Affiliate
Creating a Folx with Faith chapter or becoming an affiliate means fostering environments where everyone feels seen, heard, and valued. It means promoting “expressions of divine love” and ensuring that all individuals, regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity, have a place to explore their spirituality without fear of judgment or exclusion.
There are several ways to get involved with Folx with Faith and help expand our mission:
By establishing more chapters and affiliates, we can offer support, resources, and community to those who need it most. We believe that through collective efforts, we can make a significant difference in the lives of many.
Join Us
If you are passionate about creating inclusive and affirming spiritual spaces, we encourage you to reach out and learn more about becoming a part of Folx with Faith. Together, we can continue to build a world where everyone can experience spiritual fulfillment and connection.
For more information, visit the links below and join us in this beautiful journey of spiritual discovery and community building.
Resources for Queer Spirituality & the Twelve Powers