Exploring Queer Mysticism An Introduction to Queer Mysticism Mysticism is often described as a profound, transformative union or absorption into a deity, a sense of oneness with the creative force of the universe, God, or the absolute. This state of

In celebration of Disability Pride Month , we are honored to share a story from Amber Bryant. Amber shares about her connection with God, the importance of being seen, and her experiences as a person with a disability. She highlights

Building Queer Focused Spiritual Communities In our increasingly digital world, virtual communities have provided a lifeline for many individuals, offering a sense of connection and support. At Folx with Faith, we cherish our virtual meetings that create inclusive environments for

Jump To: Pride Power Part 1 Pride Power Part 2 The Color Silver: Will The Color Gold: Understanding The Color Russet: Release The Color Light Green: Strength Symbols of Pride and the Twelve Powers This is the final installment of

Jump To: Pride Power Part One The Color Blue: Serenity & Faith The Color Purple: Spirit & Power The Color Turquoise: Magic & Imagination The Color Pink: Sex & Love Pride Power Part Three Symbols of Pride and the Twelve

Jump To: The Pride Flag The Twelve Powers The Color Red: Life The Color Orange: Healing & Zeal The Color Yellow: Sunshine & Healing The Color Green: Nature & Order Pride Power Part Two Pride Power Part Three    Pride

Jump To: The History of Queer Pride and Recent Legislative Challenges Healing Access Gaps for Queer Spirituality Pride & Healing from Religious Trauma (RTS) How Allies Can Support and Respectfully Participate in Queer Pride Guidance for Churches and Religious Organizations

The Word is Queer Several people have asked why Folx with Faith uses the word “queer.” Recently, I was in a meeting where I used the term “queer-centric faith-based affinity groups,” and the person I was speaking with said, “Every

The Power of Music in Queer Spirituality and Empowerment Music has always held a transformative power, especially within the queer community, where it has been an avenue for empowerment, self-actualization, self-expression, and spiritual growth. As Shakespeare famously wrote, “If music

Progressivism and Gender Diversity in New Thought In the dynamic landscape of spirituality, self-discovery, and healing, the New Thought movement has consistently exemplified progressivism. By weaving together ancient wisdom traditions with the systematic inquiry of modern science, New Thought has