Healing & A Journey to Freedom Growing up in a high-control evangelical religion, I was introduced to conflicting images of Jesus. On one hand, Jesus was presented as loving, but on the other, he was also an angry judge, eagerly

Challenges of LGBTQIA+ Individuals in Politics and Religion As we navigate another political season, it’s easy to feel the tension in the air, whether it’s at the dinner table, on social media, or in everyday conversations. During these times, discussions

Building Queer Focused Spiritual Communities In our increasingly digital world, virtual communities have provided a lifeline for many individuals, offering a sense of connection and support. At Folx with Faith, we cherish our virtual meetings that create inclusive environments for

Bible Tea & Mama G Greetings siblings. This is my first blog for Folx with Faith, so let me introduce myself. I am Mother Gloria Inaxi Celeste Gayo, but most people just call me Mama G. I have been invited

Jump To: The History of Queer Pride and Recent Legislative Challenges Healing Access Gaps for Queer Spirituality Pride & Healing from Religious Trauma (RTS) How Allies Can Support and Respectfully Participate in Queer Pride Guidance for Churches and Religious Organizations

The Word is Queer Several people have asked why Folx with Faith uses the word “queer.” Recently, I was in a meeting where I used the term “queer-centric faith-based affinity groups,” and the person I was speaking with said, “Every

Progressivism and Gender Diversity in New Thought In the dynamic landscape of spirituality, self-discovery, and healing, the New Thought movement has consistently exemplified progressivism. By weaving together ancient wisdom traditions with the systematic inquiry of modern science, New Thought has

Queer Terminology Folx with Faith uses the word queer and LGBTQIA+ interchangeably. We often get asked about why we use the word queer and in this blog we wanted to cover the use of the word queer and provide definitions

Understanding Religious Trauma “It is a lie – any talk of God that does not comfort you.” – Meister Eckhart This profound statement by Meister Eckhart is one of my favorite quotes and starkly contrasts with the conceptions of God

Understanding Spiritual Direction with Joni Lorraine Hello Dear Folx with Faith! I’m Joni Lorraine, the Program Coordinator for Unity’s Spiritual Direction Certificate Program. I am honored to share a little bit about myself and spiritual direction. Early Spiritual Influences I