The Wisdom of Discernment

For the month of March, Folx with Faith is focusing on wisdom and discernment—not judgment in terms of judgmentalism, but spiritual judgment, our ability to discern. This is our spiritual decision-making capacity that keeps us from analysis paralysis and empowers us to navigate life with clarity and purpose.

Wisdom as a Personified Spiritual Power

In Greek, wisdom has long been personified as Sophia, and even in early Jewish traditions, wisdom was depicted as a divine presence. Throughout the wisdom books of the Bible, wisdom is exalted as one of the highest virtues humans can attain and is often portrayed as a feminine quality. Many spiritual traditions honor wisdom as a sacred force—such as Saraswati in the Sanatana Dharma traditions of Hinduism.

Statue of the Sophia, a depiction of the personification of wisdom. Overlayed with LGBTQ+ Inclusion pride flag and with the text "Sophia" at the bottom.

The personification of wisdom suggests that this is not just an abstract concept but a spiritual characteristic we can engage with and call upon throughout our lives. Though often depicted in deified forms, wisdom—like all spiritual qualities—is an innate power within each of us. Seeking wisdom is a journey inward, toward the Greater Self, the Impersonal Self, or the Holy Spirit—that sacred essence beyond ego and personality.

As the Bhagavad Gita reminds us:

“This is true knowledge, to seek the Self as the true end of wisdom always. To seek anyone else is ignorance.” – Bhagavad Gita 13.11

At the core of our being, an infinite supply of wisdom is always accessible. The goal of most spiritual traditions is to align ourselves with this deeper wisdom, yet many of us begin our journey by seeking knowledge first.

Knowledge vs. Wisdom: The Key Difference

Knowledge and wisdom are not the same. We often start our spiritual journeys by reading, studying, and absorbing knowledge—but knowledge alone does not lead to true understanding. Wisdom is something deeper. It is not about memorization but about tapping into the inner knowing that already exists within us.

As Charles Fillmore, co-founder of Unity, writes in The Twelve Powers of Man:

“Wisdom includes judgment, discrimination, intuition, and all the departments of mind that come under the head of knowing.”
~Charles Fillmore

Many traditions emphasize that spiritual study is an essential part of developing wisdom. However, wisdom itself is something that must be experienced rather than simply learned.

Image of a book with a Yin Yang on it overlaid with an image of a statue of Lao Tzu, the founder of Taoism.

The Taoist parable below illustrates this concept beautifully:

The fish trap exists because of the fish;
Once you’ve gotten the fish, you can forget the trap.
The rabbit snare exists because of the rabbit;
Once you’ve gotten the rabbit, you can forget the snare.
Words exist because of meaning;
Once you’ve gotten the meaning, you can forget the words.
Where can I find a man who has forgotten words
So I can have a word with him?

— Chuang Tzu 26

This parable reminds us that knowledge—while valuable—is only a tool for deeper understanding. If we become dependent on external sources for spiritual truth, we risk falling into literalism, fundamentalism, and exclusionary thinking.

Balancing Outer Knowledge with Inner Wisdom

Spiritual growth requires a balance between knowledge (external learning) and wisdom (internal discernment). Information is an important part of spiritual development, but over-reliance on external teachings can disconnect us from the inner guidance that is always available.

The distinction can be seen in the words themselves:

  • InFORMation – Focused on form, the outer world, what is already created.
  • InSPIRation – Rooted in Spirit, the inner world, what is being created within us.

When we take time for prayer, meditation, and contemplation, we shift from simply acquiring information to receiving spiritual inspiration—the wisdom that comes from direct connection with the Divine Source within.

The Need for Wisdom in Times of Change

Our world today is in constant upheaval, with particularly heightened challenges for LGBTQ+ communities. Focusing solely on the outer world—the realm of form—can create stress and overwhelm. Many people feel uncertain about what to do in times of difficulty.

This is why wisdom traditions emphasize seeking inner guidance. Each generation has faced its own challenges, and our time is no different. By turning inward, we cultivate the wisdom needed to meet the moment with courage and clarity.

We access this wisdom through:
Daily spiritual practice (prayer, meditation, ritual)
Communities of like-minded individuals (spiritual discussion and mutual support)

Spiritual wisdom is not about ignoring reality but about engaging with it from a higher perspective. The only constant in life is change, and wisdom is what allows us to navigate these changes with purpose.

Lotus flower.

As the Buddhist Garland Sutra says:

Of all things seen in the world
Only mind is the host;
By grasping forms according to interpretation
It becomes deluded, not true to reality.
All philosophy in the world
Are mental fabrications;
There has never been a single doctrine
By which one could enter the true essence of things.
By the power of perceiver and perceived
All kinds of things are born;
They soon pass away, not staying,
Dying out instant to instant.
Garland Sutra 10

The pursuit of wisdom requires letting go of rigid interpretations and trusting the flow of divine insight as we navigate life’s uncertainties.

Wisdom Beyond Knowledge

Wisdom is not about memorizing spiritual principles—it is about living them. While knowledge is valuable, true wisdom comes from our connection with the Divine within. We are called to move beyond dependence on external teachings alone and instead develop discernment, intuition, and spiritual judgment.

As we face uncertain times, let us turn to the wisdom that is already within us. May we seek inspiration over information, embrace our inner knowing, and support one another in cultivating divine wisdom for the road ahead.

About Folx with Faith

Folx with Faith is a spiritual community committed to creating inclusive, affirming spaces for LGBTQ+ individuals and allies. We believe in spiritual exploration that embraces diverse perspectives, fosters deep connection, and encourages wisdom, faith, and discernment. Through gatherings, resources, and community support, we offer a space where everyone can deepen their spiritual journey without fear of exclusion.

Join us in cultivating wisdom, practicing discernment, and building a world grounded in love, justice, and spiritual truth.

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You can help us fulfill our mission by donating to Folx with Faith or starting a local group. It is our mission to create safe spaces to explore and experience spiritual wholeness. Folx with Faith supports the queer community, fostering a celebration of our authentic beings and empowering us to make a difference in the world. If you would like to contribute to this mission or would like to start a local chapter, please let us know. You can contact us or use the links below.

A group of people smiling.




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References & Additional Resources for The Strength of Your Spirit


How We Feel App

The “How We Feel” app was created to help people gain emotional intelligence. It prompts the user for daily check-ins, it offers educational resources, as well as scientifically proven emotional regulation methods. You can also add your closest friends to assist in creating an emotional support network.
Gaining a better understanding of our emotions can play a powerful role in how we show up in our communities. This app can also help you keep track of how the weather, your location, the people you’re with, and what you are doing can affect your emotions.
How We Feel Website
“How We Feel” in the Apple App Store
“How We Feel” App in the Google Play Store

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