The Power of Faith and The Unity Movement

Folx with Faith emerged from the Unity Movement. While we serve people from the broader New Thought movement along with progressive religious organizations, we remain deeply aligned with Unity’s positive path for spiritual living. Over the next twelve months, we will explore universal spiritual attributes—or powers—that were first conceptualized by Charles Fillmore, one of Unity’s co-founders.

As the teaching of these twelve powers developed, these universal spiritual attributes were associated with energy centers in the body, specific colors, and biblical characters. Initially, the biblical characters chosen were the twelve disciples of Jesus. However, as the Unity movement evolved, many recognized that the overemphasis on masculine characteristics in spiritual teachings often contributed to the challenges of patriarchy. In response, there has been a growing acknowledgment of the feminine aspects of these powers.

The color blue with starburst and the word "Serenity/Faith."

For those who do not align with traditional gender norms, it is important to note that these attributes transcend gender and represent universal human qualities. In this article, we’ll explore the traditional masculine and feminine characters associated with the power of faith while recognizing how these spiritual attributes are not confined to gendered roles.

Faith According to Unity Teachings

Charles Fillmore, in The Revealing Word, defines faith as:

“The perceiving power of the mind linked with the power to shape substance. Spiritual assurance; the power to do the seemingly impossible. It is a magnetic power that draws unto us our heart’s desire from the invisible spiritual substance. Faith is a deep inner knowing that that which is sought is already ours for the taking.”

This definition frames faith as more than belief—it is a vibrational force within each of us that becomes activated through spiritual development. Fillmore distinguished between intellectual faith, which includes doubt, and spiritual faith, which carries “unfailing assurance and immediate response.” (The Twelve Powers of Man)

Fillmore also described faith as:

“…more than mere belief. It is the very substance of that which is believed. Faith working in spiritual substance accomplishes all things.” (Dynamics for Living: A Topical Compilation of Essential Fillmore Teachings)

Creative Thoughts and Words

Faith, according to Unity teachings, is activated through our thoughts and words. Fillmore emphasized that while all words are formative, only words spoken with divine alignment are truly creative. He stated:

“The Word is the creative idea in Divine Mind, which may be expressed by man when he has fulfilled the law of expression. All words are formative but not all words are creative.” (The Twelve Powers of Man)

This highlights the transformative power of aligning our words and thoughts with faith, enabling us to shape our experiences in a divinely creative way.

A diagram of the brain with a bright blue light at the pineal gland.

Faith’s Body Location

Inspired by other energy systems, such as the Eastern chakra system, Fillmore associated each of the Twelve Powers with specific locations in the body. He identified the pineal gland, located near the center of the brain, as the energy center for faith. Fillmore wrote:

“The faith center, the pineal gland, opens the mind of man to spiritual faith. Merely affirming the activity of this superpower will quicken it in consciousness.” (The Twelve Powers of Man)

This area corresponds to the third eye in the chakra system, often associated with intuition and spiritual insight. Cora Dedrick Fillmore, Charles Fillmore’s second wife, elaborated in her book Christ Enthroned in Man:

“At the center of the brain is the pineal gland. This gland is known to Truth students as the faith center. When the inner eye is illumined with spiritual faith, a ray of light—the pure white, pearly light of Spirit—steady and unwavering, is often seen in the silence.”

Faith and the Silence

In Unity, the “silence” refers to a meditative state where the individual aligns with divine consciousness. It is often described as an experience beyond thought and sensation, where the mind is free from conceptual thinking and mental constructs. While most descriptions of the silence do not include sensory phenomena, sensory experiences—such as perceiving light or sound—may occur as one enters or emerges from this state. These experiences serve as markers of a shift in consciousness rather than the essence of the silence itself. This practice is comparable to the mushin state in Zen Buddhism or the connection to Brahman in Sanatana Dharma, emphasizing the unity between the individual and the universal. The silence, as described in Unity, invites practitioners to transcend the limitations of ordinary thought and align fully with the divine Mind, fostering spiritual insight and transformation.

Faith and Color

In the Unity tradition, faith is associated with the color blue. Visualizing or meditating on this color could be used as a focal point to strengthen the faculty of faith, much like focusing on chakras or energy centers in other systems. Practitioners often use these tools to develop their spiritual awareness and deepen their connection to faith.

People Associated with the Power of Faith

The Disciple Peter

Charles Fillmore associated the disciple Peter with the power of faith. In Christian tradition, Peter played a foundational role in spreading the early message of Jesus. His name, originally Simon (meaning “hearing”), was changed by Jesus to Peter, meaning “rock” (Matthew 16:18). This change symbolizes the stable foundation of faith, transforming the act of hearing into the unwavering conviction required to act on divine truth. Peter demonstrated this faith when he stepped onto the water to walk toward Jesus, saying, “Lord, if it is you, command me to come to you on the water” (Matthew 14:28). Though his faith wavered momentarily, leading him to sink, his willingness to trust exemplifies the dynamic and evolving nature of faith.

Elizabeth from the Gospel Stories

Elizabeth, the mother of John the Baptist, represents the feminine aspect of faith. Despite being beyond childbearing age, she became pregnant with John, demonstrating unwavering faith in divine possibilities. She also intuited the significance of Jesus’ birth, proclaiming to Mary:

“Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb. And why has this happened to me, that the mother of my Lord comes to me? For as soon as I heard the sound of your greeting, the child in my womb leaped for joy. And blessed is she who believed that there would be a fulfillment of what was spoken to her by the Lord.” (Luke 1:42-45)

Elizabeth’s actions and words embody courage, conviction, and a faith that transcends societal norms. Her story, as discussed in The 12 Women of the Chalice: Bible Keys to the Divine Feminine, by Leddy Hammock, illustrates the transformative power of faith in challenging circumstances and highlights the vital role of feminine spirituality in the Christian tradition.

The Rest of Us

Faith is a spiritual attribute that transcends the binary constructs of masculinity and femininity. While early Unity teachings associated faith with masculine representation through the disciple Peter, later interpretations acknowledged its feminine embodiment through Elizabeth. These evolving perspectives reflect cultural shifts, but faith itself exists beyond these gender frameworks.

Many spiritual traditions throughout history have recognized identities outside the binary, often embracing third-gender concepts as sacred. This understanding invites us to expand our view of faith as a universal experience—one that belongs to all individuals, regardless of gender identity. Faith is not inherently masculine or feminine; it is a power that flows through all of us, enabling trust, alignment, and transformation. As we embrace a more inclusive approach to spirituality, we honor faith as an expression of divine potential that unites rather than divides.

Faith in Practice

In Unity teachings, faith is central to activating all other spiritual powers. It serves as a foundational attribute that can be enhanced through prayer, affirmations, meditation, and mindfulness. Faith invites us to align our minds with the one divine Mind, becoming co-creators of our reality rather than passive participants influenced by past narratives or societal limitations.

Faith empowers us to change our thoughts, and as Charles Fillmore wrote:

“When it is clearly understood that doubt, fear, poverty, disease, and death—every thought, good or bad, that people have expressed—have existence through mind, we shall see a shifting of consciousness and a radical change in thought and word by everybody of sane mind.” (The Twelve Powers of Man)

By developing positive faith, we open ourselves to transformation, creating lives that reflect abundance, love, and divine creativity.



About Folx with Faith

Folx with Faith is a welcoming and affirming organization rooted in the Unity tradition. While we embrace a broader spiritual community, our mission is to provide safe and inclusive spaces for LGBTQIA+ individuals and allies to explore spirituality. Through our discussions, virtual meetings, and resources, we aim to help individuals deepen their faith, develop their spiritual powers, and live as expressions of divine love.

Join us this month as we explore the power of faith. Whether you attend a virtual session or participate in a local group, we invite you to be part of this transformative journey. Together, let’s cultivate a faith that empowers and uplifts us all.


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A group of people smiling.

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You can help us fulfill our mission by donating to Folx with Faith or starting a local group. It is our mission to create safe spaces to explore and experience spiritual wholeness. Folx with Faith supports the queer community, fostering a celebration of our authentic beings and empowering us to make a difference in the world. If you would like to contribute to this mission or would like to start a local chapter, please let us know. You can contact us or use the links below.




Join us for upcoming virtual events. We host live events the forth Thursday of each month.

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References & Additional Resources for Faith and Practical Christianity


The Twelve Powers of Man (book) by Charles Fillmore

Charles Fillmore’s The Twelve Powers of Man explores twelve spiritual attributes, such as faith, love, strength, and imagination, as expressions of divine power within every individual. This foundational metaphysical text provides insights into how these powers can be activated and aligned to foster spiritual growth and personal transformation.
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The 12 Women of the Chalice: Bible Keys to the Divine Feminine (book) by Leddy Hammock

Leddy Hammock’s The 12 Women of the Chalice: Bible Keys to the Divine Feminine offers a profound exploration of twelve biblical women who embody key spiritual faculties. Through detailed research, prayer, and exegesis, Hammock unveils the stories and voices of these women—including ancestors of Jesus, his mother, her cousin, and others who walked alongside him. This book reveals how their lives reflect divine feminine qualities, inviting readers to connect with these transformative spiritual attributes in their own lives.
Get the Book


Christ Enthroned in Man (book) by Cora Dedrick Fillmore

Cora Fillmore’s Christ Enthroned in Man serves as a practical companion to Charles Fillmore’s The Twelve Powers of Man, offering exercises to activate and develop the spiritual faculties inherent in every individual. First published in 1937, this book guides readers in awakening latent potential within the mind and body through intentional thought and practice. Designed to help apply the principles outlined in The Twelve Powers of Man, it provides a structured approach to unlocking the transformative power of spiritual attributes.
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How We Feel App

The “How We Feel” app was created to help people gain emotional intelligence. It prompts the user for daily check-ins, it offers educational resources, as well as scientifically proven emotional regulation methods. You can also add your closest friends to assist in creating an emotional support network.
Gaining a better understanding of our emotions can play a powerful role in how we show up in our communities. This app can also help you keep track of how the weather, your location, the people you’re with, and what you are doing can affect your emotions.
How We Feel Website
“How We Feel” in the Apple App Store
“How We Feel” App in the Google Play Store

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