Strength in Unity Teachings

Stability and Steadfastness

At Folx with Faith, we remain deeply aligned with Unity’s positive path for spiritual living while serving individuals from the broader New Thought movement and progressive religious organizations. Throughout 2025 we will explore the twelve universal spiritual attributes—or powers—that were first conceptualized by Charles Fillmore, one of Unity’s co-founders.

As we journey through these powers, we recognize that these spiritual attributes are not limited by gender or tradition. While Fillmore originally associated each power with a biblical disciple and linked them to specific energy centers in the body, we acknowledge the importance of recognizing both the masculine and feminine aspects of each power. These attributes transcend gender and represent universal human qualities—qualities that are not confined to societal norms or traditional roles.

This month, we focus on the power of Strength—an essential force that supports us in our spiritual and physical lives, helping us maintain stability and steadfastness even in the face of adversity.

A person meditating on a beach with their hand on their heart.

The Power of Strength: Beyond the Physical

When we think of strength, we often picture physical power—muscles built through weightlifting or athletic training. Indeed, strength can be developed through repetitive resistance, but Unity’s teaching of strength extends far beyond the physical realm. It encompasses spiritual resilience, the enduring force within us that empowers us to remain steadfast through life’s challenges.

Charles Fillmore, in his writings, emphasizes that true strength is rooted in Spirit, not material things. Unity teachings refer to the power of strength as a sustaining force that fortifies us against adverse conditions. In Christ Enthroned in Man, Cora Fillmore writes:

“The realization of the Christ presence as sustaining strength is a stronghold in the consciousness of man that fortifies him against all adverse conditions. Nothing so uplifts, nothing so frees from care and worry, nothing so brings the thought of victory as being established in that sustaining strength which cannot know weakness.”

The story of David and Goliath illustrates the triumph of spiritual strength over material challenges. David represents the spiritual self, trusting in divine intelligence rather than external power or protection. Before facing Goliath, David overcomes a lion and a bear, symbolizing mastery over the parts of ourselves that are untamed, which could be fearful thoughts or being overwhelmed by material things. This inner preparation reflects the importance of addressing our own fears and doubts before tackling external challenges.

In the story, Goliath was wearing heavy armor, which represents a reliance on material things. His imposing presence shows how obstacles can appear overwhelming from a human perspective. David, chose not to wear armor and only came to battle with five stones, representing the ability to overcome material concerns through spiritual strength rather than trying to find external solutions.

David’s victory shows that true strength comes not from external sources but from an inner alignment with Spirit. The lesson is clear: by trusting divine intelligence and preparing spiritually, we can conquer life’s giants with confidence and resilience.

Trusting in Divine Strength

In today’s world, it’s easy to become caught up in consumerism and the pursuit of external success. We often measure our strength by the things we can accumulate or the security we can create. However, as Psalm 20:7 reminds us:

“Some take pride in chariots and some in horses, but our pride is in the name of the Lord our God.” Psalm 20:7

This scripture reminds us that the true source of strength is not found in material possessions or outward circumstances. It lies within us; in the spiritual foundation we cultivate and strengthen. This is the essence of divine strength: the ability to transcend conditions and remain grounded in the truth of who we are.

The color light green with starburst and the word "Strength."

The Color of Strength

In Unity teachings, each of the twelve powers is associated with a specific color. For the power of strength, the color is spring green. This vibrant color can serve as a reminder to focus on cultivating strength in your life. You may choose to wear spring green clothing or accessories as a subtle reminder of your inner power or visualize this color during meditation to enhance your connection to the energy of strength.

Strength Location in the Body: The Loins

The power of strength is associated with the loins, or the area on either side of the middle of the back. This physical location represents strength’s role as a stabilizing force, supporting both physical and spiritual balance. When working to develop strength in your consciousness, consider focusing your attention on this area of your body, feeling the energy of stability and steadiness emanating from it.

Andrew: The Disciple of Strength

The disciple associated with the power of strength is Andrew, whose name means “strong.” In the Gospels, Andrew is depicted as a steadfast and faithful disciple, someone who supported others without seeking the limelight. This quiet, enduring strength reflects the spiritual power that is not about force or dominance, but about persistence, reliability, and the ability to support others.

Charles Fillmore describes Andrew as representing the strength of the mind—a quality that is strengthened when faith is also present. The bond between strength and faith creates a unity that carries us through life’s challenges, even in the face of adversity. Fillmore writes:

“Andrew symbolizes the strength, while Simon Peter symbolizes the faith capacity, of the mind. When strength finds faith, and they are brothers consciously in the mind, a bond of unity is established that carries one along, even though one may encounter the most adverse experiences.”

Image of the physiology of the human back with a green light near the loins.

The Feminine Aspect of Strength: Tamar

While strength is often associated with masculinity, it is equally important to recognize the feminine aspects of this power. One such figure is Tamar, a biblical character who embodies courage, determination, and strength. Tamar’s story in Genesis 38 shows her assertiveness in defending her rights and standing up for justice. She faced adversity with unwavering determination and resilience, demonstrating that strength is not about gender but about the ability to persist and overcome challenges.

Metaphysically, Tamar represents victory and the overcoming of obstacles through uprightness. Her story serves as an inspiration to those who face moral dilemmas or adversity, encouraging us to act with courage and integrity.

Strength Beyond Gender

As we reflect on the various representations of strength in both masculine and feminine forms, it’s important to remember that the power of strength transcends gender boundaries. Charles Fillmore himself acknowledged the limitations of the binary in his writings, stating:

“Come to me, all you that are weary and are carrying heavy burdens, and I will give you rest.” – Matthew 11:28

The archetypes that represent strength are not limited by gender instead they are an innate quality within each of us that transcends gender identity and gendered representations. These aspects are always available to be tapped into for spiritual growth, transformation, and resilience.

Developing Strength: A Meditation Exercise

To cultivate spiritual strength, Cora Fillmore offers an exercise in Christ Enthroned in Man. This practice involves focusing on the I AM presence and allowing the light of Spirit to descend through the body, strengthening every aspect of your being. As you meditate, affirm:

  • “I am one with infinite strength.”
  • “I have power to express the sustaining strength of Spirit.”
  • “The pure, undefiled life of Jesus Christ is expressed in and through me, and I am strengthened and sustained in all my ways.”
  • “The joy of the Lord is a wellspring within me, and I am established in divine strength.”

As you continue with this meditation, allow the strength of Spirit to flow through you, recognizing that you are firmly rooted in divine power and able to navigate life’s challenges with steadfastness and resilience.

At Folx with Faith, we are committed to fostering spiritual growth and healing in affirming and inclusive spaces. This February, we invite you to join us for our upcoming virtual meeting, where we will explore the power of Strength in greater depth. We also encourage our chapters and groups to focus on Strength this month, reflecting on its role in our lives and communities. Together, let’s tap into the divine strength within us to face challenges and build a more harmonious world.

Profile picture of Tim Lytle.

Join Us for Our February Meeting on Strength

Spiritual strength is a force that transcends religious labels—it is a universal truth, available to all. This month, Rev. Tim Lytle will lead our community in a discussion on Faith and Strength, helping us deepen our understanding of these principles.

About Rev. Tim Lytle:

Rev. Tim is an ordained Unity minister and serves on the Board of Trustees for Unity Worldwide Ministries. He has over 28 years of experience as a hospital chaplain, specializing in psychiatric care, trauma services, and intensive care units. His work extends internationally, and he has studied meditation, Sufism, Kabbalah, Taoism, Buddhism, and contemplative Christian practices. His mission is the spiritual transformation and awakening of individuals through experiencing their Oneness with the Divine.


We invite you to join us for this powerful conversation on faith, resilience, and the strength that is already within you. Let’s come together, honor our strength, and uplift one another as we continue our spiritual journey.

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How You Can Support Our Mission?

You can help us fulfill our mission by donating to Folx with Faith or starting a local group. It is our mission to create safe spaces to explore and experience spiritual wholeness. Folx with Faith supports the queer community, fostering a celebration of our authentic beings and empowering us to make a difference in the world. If you would like to contribute to this mission or would like to start a local chapter, please let us know. You can contact us or use the links below.

A group of people smiling.




Join us for upcoming virtual events. We host live events the forth Thursday of each month.

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References & Additional Resources for Strength in Unity Teachings


The Twelve Powers of Man (book) by Charles Fillmore

Charles Fillmore’s The Twelve Powers of Man explores twelve spiritual attributes, such as faith, love, strength, and imagination, as expressions of divine power within every individual. This foundational metaphysical text provides insights into how these powers can be activated and aligned to foster spiritual growth and personal transformation.
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The 12 Women of the Chalice: Bible Keys to the Divine Feminine (book) by Leddy Hammock

Leddy Hammock’s The 12 Women of the Chalice: Bible Keys to the Divine Feminine offers a profound exploration of twelve biblical women who embody key spiritual faculties. Through detailed research, prayer, and exegesis, Hammock unveils the stories and voices of these women—including ancestors of Jesus, his mother, her cousin, and others who walked alongside him. This book reveals how their lives reflect divine feminine qualities, inviting readers to connect with these transformative spiritual attributes in their own lives.
Get the Book


Christ Enthroned in Man (book) by Cora Dedrick Fillmore

Cora Fillmore’s Christ Enthroned in Man serves as a practical companion to Charles Fillmore’s The Twelve Powers of Man, offering exercises to activate and develop the spiritual faculties inherent in every individual. First published in 1937, this book guides readers in awakening latent potential within the mind and body through intentional thought and practice. Designed to help apply the principles outlined in The Twelve Powers of Man, it provides a structured approach to unlocking the transformative power of spiritual attributes.
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How We Feel App

The “How We Feel” app was created to help people gain emotional intelligence. It prompts the user for daily check-ins, it offers educational resources, as well as scientifically proven emotional regulation methods. You can also add your closest friends to assist in creating an emotional support network.
Gaining a better understanding of our emotions can play a powerful role in how we show up in our communities. This app can also help you keep track of how the weather, your location, the people you’re with, and what you are doing can affect your emotions.
How We Feel Website
“How We Feel” in the Apple App Store
“How We Feel” App in the Google Play Store

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