Wisdom/Judgment and Practical Christianity When it comes to wisdom in the Christian tradition, we encounter seemingly conflicting messages. One scripture tells us, “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom” (Proverbs 9:10, NRSVue), while another declares, “God is
Category: Queer Theology
The Wisdom of Discernment For the month of March, Folx with Faith is focusing on wisdom and discernment—not judgment in terms of judgmentalism, but spiritual judgment, our ability to discern. This is our spiritual decision-making capacity that keeps us from
Strength in Unity Teachings Stability and Steadfastness At Folx with Faith, we remain deeply aligned with Unity’s positive path for spiritual living while serving individuals from the broader New Thought movement and progressive religious organizations. Throughout 2025 we will explore
Unshakable Strength: A Reflection on Christianity for the LGBTQ+ Community Throughout February, we are exploring the power of spiritual strength, an innate ability within each of us. Now more than ever, it is important to recognize and claim our spiritual
The Strength of Your Spirit This month, we continue our journey through the twelve spiritual powers or attributes found in each human being. Our focus today is on spiritual strength, an innate quality that empowers us to navigate life’s challenges
The Power of Faith and The Unity Movement Folx with Faith emerged from the Unity Movement. While we serve people from the broader New Thought movement along with progressive religious organizations, we remain deeply aligned with Unity’s positive path for
Faith Power: A Universal Force For the month of January, Folx with Faith is focusing on the spiritual attribute of faith as part of our year-long series exploring various spiritual powers. Unity, as a part of the broader New Thought
Faith and Practical Christianity As we continue our conversation about faith, let’s explore it through the lens of practical Christianity, the most prominent religion in the Western world. While faith as a power or spiritual attribute is universal and can
What Does Expression of Divine Love mean? Folx with Faith uses the tagline, “Expressions of divine love,” but what does this really mean? At Folx with Faith, we acknowledge the divinity within everyone. There are some religious traditions that have
Unlocking the Power of Spiritual Technology Spiritual technology isn’t a new concept—it’s as ancient as humanity itself. Across cultures and time, people have used tools, rituals, and practices to deepen their connection with the divine and access the power within