Brendalyn brings warmth, down-to-earth genuineness, and a loving sense of humor to her work. She provides compassionate and candid support from her heart as she supports you in overcoming challenges and transforming your life as you raise your consciousness. She demonstrates and teaches deep-heart listening, finding the blessings in challenges, and practicing principles and values in everyday life (where the rubber meets the road).
Through Counseling, Coaching, and Teaching, Brendalyn’s services include the following classes and programs:
- Unified Mindfulness meditation — Long and short-term 1-on-1 and group teaching/training
- Retreats, seminars, workshops, and classes focused on universal spiritual principles and practices
- Interspiritual practices
- Pastoral Counseling
- Spiritual Direction and Mentoring
- Professional Counseling
- HeartMath Coaching
- Public speaking
- Guest speaking in faith communities
- Other ministerial and ceremonial services
Brendalyn first heard the word and learned the concept of being “coachable” from Maria Nemeth (ACE Founder and Director). Brendalyn strives to be a life-long learner and practitioner of ever-improving ways of living. Her heart’s desire is to pay forward being “coachable” through modeling it in her life and encouraging it in her coaching of others.
Brendalyn works with people as a 1-on-1 long-term mindfulness teacher, as a short-term mindfulness coach, and as a group mindfulness trainer. She delights in teaching Unified Mindfulness which provides a deep and effective variety of on and off-the-cushion techniques that support you being happier by reducing your suffering and increasing your fulfillment, insight, skills, and connection.
Brendalyn’s meditation practice included Centering Prayer, Transcendental Meditation, then Goenke-style Vippassana insight meditation for over 15 years before discovering and diving fully into Unified Mindfulness (UM). UM has accelerated her practice by significantly deepening her levels of concentration, sensory clarity and equanimity. These skills have been life enhancing by allowing her to experience physical and emotional discomfort without suffering, profound insight and self-knowledge, skills mastery, and a more loving connection with all creation.