Our Latest Chapter & Affiliate Guide

Self-Expression Mandala

A Folx with Faith Workshop

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More About this Workshop


Rev. Jen Hutchins
Unity Arts Ministry

Visit Unity Arts Ministry


Unity Arts Ministry & Folx with Faith Collaborative Workshop

We are excited to announce a collaborative workshop between Unity Arts Ministry (UAM) and Folx with Faith designed to inspire creative exploration and spiritual growth within our communities. This unique meeting combines the power of artistic expression with spiritual reflection, offering participants an opportunity to connect with their creativity and deepen their spiritual practice.

About the Teacher

Led by Rev. Jen Hutchins, founder of Unity Arts Ministry, this workshop will guide your participants through expressive art activity that promote self-reflection and personal transformation. Unity Arts Ministry is a nonprofit organization dedicated to integrating the teachings of Unity with creative expression. Through in-person workshops, online courses, and retreats, UAM offers spiritual enrichment using art as a healing tool.

About the Workshop

Folx with Faith is honored to bring this collaboration to our chapters, supporting the mission of fostering inclusive, creative, and transformative spaces for spiritual exploration. Whether you’re participants are seasoned artists or just beginning to explore their creative side, this workshop is accessible for all skill levels. Together, we’ll engage in meaningful creative processes that emphasize the journey over the final product, allowing participants to explore their unique expression in a judgment-free space.


Our Meeting Guides


One of the key benefits of forming a Folx with Faith Chapter or Group is access to our comprehensive meeting guides. These templates provide group facilitators with easy-to-follow instructions, ensuring smooth and successful group sessions.

Our guides are topic-based, with new content released every month, so you’ll always have fresh material to engage your group. Each guide includes:

  • Sample opening and closing meditation scripts
  • A complete meeting guide to facilitate your session
  • A presenter’s outline
  • A corresponding video
  • A PowerPoint/Slides presentation
  • Discussion questions related to the topic
  • Relevant resources such as phone apps, books, or articles for further study and growth


Here are some of the topics we’ve developed for Folx with Faith Chapters and Affiliate Groups:
  • Religious Trauma: Navigating a Path to Recovery
  • Rituals of Healing: Prayer
  • Breaking the Mold: Body Positivity & Spirituality
  • Rituals of Healing: Resilience Through Storytelling
  • Expressions of Divine Love: Gender & Spirituality
  • Rituals of Healing: Self-Expression Mandala | A Folx with Faith Workshop
    • This is a guided workshop with an accompanying video from Unity Arts Ministry.
  • Does God Have a Gender? Exploring Gender & the Evolution of God
  • Exploring Our History: Queer Mysticism
  • Intersectionality & Spirituality: Recognizing Diverse Identities

…and many more!

Learn how you can start a Chapter or Affiliate Group.

Start a Group

Additional Membership Benefits

  • Training & Growth: Gain access to additional training designed to help your group grow and thrive, providing valuable tools for effective facilitation and community-building.
  • Literacy & Competency Courses: Our courses offer deep insights into creating diverse, accessible, and inclusive groups. These trainings will enhance your understanding of how to foster a welcoming environment for all identities.
  • Multi-User Access: Collaboration is key. You can add multiple users to your membership, giving each group leader or facilitator their own access to our courses, meeting guides, and marketing materials—ensuring your whole team is on the same page.
  • Branded Merchandise: Folx with Faith merch is available to Chapters and Affiliates at a discounted rate. It’s a great way to increase visibility and show your support at Pride events or other LGBTQIA+ gatherings in your community.

Marketing Materials

Chapters are branded as Folx with Faith groups. Facilitators and leaders can request customized print and social media marketing materials to promote their meetings effectively and reach their community.

Directory Listing

Each group receives a directory listing to make it easier for people in your area to find you. This feature helps spread the word globally about your meeting times and locations, allowing for greater reach and connection.

Direct Support

Our Project Coordinator, with extensive experience as a community architect in the queer community, offers hands-on support to help your Chapter get up and running smoothly. We’re here to assist you every step of the way.



Start Your Chapter Today

Join a growing network of inclusive, queer-affirming spiritual communities. Take the first step in creating a supportive space by starting your own Folx with Faith Chapter or Affiliate Group today!

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