Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Justice Gender Inclusive Healing Space

Rob Moore
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Spiritual direction has been called “holy listening.” In spiritual direction, two persons covenant to companion together for a time in order to listen together for the Divine voice in one of their lives. Through listening and reflecting in a confidential setting of prayerful story-telling and encouragement, we seek to discern the presence of the Holy.

Spiritual direction is a ministry of curiosity about where directees are finding evidence of God in their lives. It is not a “telling, solving problems, finding answers or help.” It is wondering as directees risk sharing their spiritual journeys. The director supports directees as they discern the way God is leading them, and encourages directees to faithfully follow God’s lead however they may define and relate to God or the Holy, Divine, Ultimate Good.

My approach to spiritual direction assumes that the Spirit of Life is at work in every area of our lives: our relationships, our work, our leisure, and our quiet. God is present in our doubt, frustration, and pain as well as in our certainty, our joy, and our healing. Sometimes, it is difficult to discern the Spirit’s presence or movement, or to follow the call toward wholeness. The Spirit is the real Director of our lives, but an experienced companion (spiritual director) can often help you to hear or to notice what is real, and to respond to this noticing. Spiritual direction is about finding YOUR spiritual direction.

I was ordained into the Unitarian Universalist ministry in 2001. I have served Interim ministries in Grand Junction, CO and Port Townsend, WA. I was also one of 3 ministers on staff for a progressive large church plant in Dallas-Fort Worth, Texas . In addition to these ministries, I have taught a sexuality education series for Jr and Sr High School ages, led a few spiritual formation small groups, and participated in various choirs along the way (the latest of which is the Richmond Men’s Chorus). I also work at Travelers Insurance where in addition to my regular duties, I lead Mindfulness sessions and assists in plans for an enterprise-wide Mindfulness program. I recently moved with my spouse and young adult spawn to Richmond, VA where I am a facilitator in training for Coming Together VA, an organization that promotes racial healing through facilitated conversations over a delicious meal.